7 Habits for Small Business Managers
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The Benefits
I'm looking forward to sharing some helpful "7 Habits" insights with you. Please help me prepare by answering the following questions. See you there!
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Which of the following do you struggle most with?
Managing myself (prioritizing and effectively utilizing time, activities, etc.)
Leading and influencing others in my organization.
Neither, I do very well at self-managment and leading others.
It's a toss up - both are difficult.
Additional comments:
My job taps into the best of my talents and passions.
No. Not right now.
Sort of. I occasionally feel this is true of my situation.
Yes. This seems to be the case most of the time for me!
What percent of your work time is spent on the most important goals of your organization?
10% or less
between 10 and 30%
between 30 and 50%
Between 50 and 70%
Between 70 and 90%
More than 90%